Pregnancy specific classes are currently on hold – students are welcome to join the beginner/gentle yoga classes where postures and breath work will be adapted for you.
‘Thank you so much for all of your amazing tips and support throughout my pregnancy. Your advice was so useful all the way through and into labour I’m so glad that I chose to take your classes.’
ALEXINE, New Mum to baby Livia, Paddock Wood, Kent
‘Unfortunately I will not be attending class this week as I gave birth to our little baby girl on Monday at 3:35am after only arriving at hospital at 3:10am! Such a quick,natural labour with gas and air and I used everything you taught me. Was a great help! We named her Scarlett & she weighed 8lb exactly. We are so in love with our bundle of joy. I wanted to thank you so much for everything, I will recommend your class at every opportunity I get.’
ABIGAIL, New Mummy, East Peckham, Kent
Pregnancy students are welcome to join the Adult beginner /gentle yoga weekly sessions which will be adapted for pregnancy.
Friday Private 121 sessions available in Tonbridge, Kent & Surrey BOOK NOW
Also available: Yoga for Labour & Birth Workshop
About Pregnancy Yoga:
Birthlight Pregnancy Yoga is great for keeping the body aligned during pregnancy, while gaining strength for labour and motherhood in a safe and friendly environment. Suitable from 12/14 weeks onwards, classes can help alleviate pregnancy ailments, such as back ache and heartburn, while also allowing some much-needed ‘me’ time to relax and connect with baby. We explore yoga postures specifically suited to pregnancy and useful for labour and birth. Breathwork, massage and relaxation are key to the practice.
Classes are based on training with Francoise Freedman and Kirsteen Ruffell of Birthlight Yoga, as well as Uma Dinsmore-Tuli of Womb Yoga.
Suitable for:
£60 for 6 classes or £14 drop in.
PRIVATE 1-2-1 session PRICES:
60 min class: from £60 per hour depending on location.
To book a YOGA class or course
Email or call 07885 754556 or click the Book Now button and I’ll be in touch with you shortly.
‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our
deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond
measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most
frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be
brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually,
who are you not to be?’ Marianne Williamson
Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga:
During the second trimester (14 to 32 Weeks), yoga offers women:
- Skills to align the body in all positions as it changes during baby’s growth, including transitions between positions with alignment of the pelvis
- Stretch the body in a gentle way, with a focus on:
o techniques for alleviating any physical discomfort during pregnancy
o techniques to stretch and tone the pelvic floor muscles ready for labour
- Techniques to expand the lung’s capacity through the breath and lengthen the exhalation for relaxation
- A space to feel nurtured and supported during pregnancy – gain a balanced view of motherhood through the community of a yoga class
- Time to bond with baby through movement, breath work and sounds.
The second trimester of pregnancy is often referred to as the ‘golden period’. Women often ‘glow’ during this stage, feeling and looking healthier, while symptoms like nausea, and low energy levels may start to disappear. However, new symptoms like back ache, abdominal pain, cramp, constipation and heartburn may appear. It can be an exciting time where the body goes through many changes as the baby grows. Women start to feel the baby’s movements or flutterings.
During the third trimester (33 to 40 Weeks) , yoga offers women the opportunity:
- To explore a variety of positions and breathing techniques useful for an easeful labour
- To find comfortable ways of moving and finding stillness in the last trimester, with breathing techniques to expand lung capacity and aid relaxation.
During the final trimester of pregnancy women often feel both excited and anxious for the birth of their child. Physically, women find it harder to move and carry out usual daily activities with ease. Sleeping problems and fatigue are quite normal. Feeling short of breath is also common as baby grows in the final stages.
Gentle stretching can be useful for relieving minor ailments and bodily aches and pains, while relaxation will give both mother and baby the opportunity to relax, restore and revive.
Yoga can also be useful in preparing mother for labour, with a range of different positions, breathing techniques and an understanding of how to use the breath to relax the body, reduce fear and empower mother for an easeful birth. It can also help women prepare for motherhood itself by providing techniques.
Most useful at this stage is the breath – learning how to use it for relaxation or rest, and breathing techniques such as Golden Thread to use during labour and birth.
During the first trimester (0 to 13 Weeks), Yoga can offer deep relaxation, deeper breathing and a gentle stretch. This is an ideal time for a gentle home practice.
The first trimester is the most crucial to a baby’s development because it is during this period that the baby’s body structure and organ systems develop. Women often suffer with nausea and low energy levels. Yoga can show and encourage mothers to ‘slow down to baby’s pace’.
I advise women to hold off on aerobic and anaerobic exercise regimes. Instead women can take time out to relax. Pamper yourself with a few moments of solace, maybe a quiet room, some candles or soft lighting, some relaxing music and a few cushions/bolsters for a comfortable seat or better still, lying down. Practicing breathing techniques can also be useful at this stage to help aid relaxation and to start to bring an understanding of their use during both pregnancy and labour.
Gentle movements at home in seated (maybe using a birthing ball) and on all fours are enough to provide a stretch for the body without too much exertion. This is a time for rest and relaxation. Time to take it easy. To rest and sleep when needed.
Yoga can also be a source of emotional support for many women, and the use of both breathing techniques and meditation can help women to adapt to the changes in both their physical body and changes taking place in their personal lives.
Useful resources: Free relaxation download for pregnancy/ Hypnobirthing by Paola Bagnall Information and tips on Golden Thread Breath by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli Free Yoga Nidra downloads for pregnancy and motherhood: Uma Dinsmore Tuli’s Yoga Nidra Network Great website for information and techniques on fetal positioning / turning baby
Why walking and squatting are the essential prep for labour:
The do’s and don’t’s of how to squat properly: (take the legs wider to allow for baby!)
Pelvic floor health: that interview about peeing in the shower!
Pregnancy Yoga & Birthing Playlist:
Womb to world album: Click here
Anusara Invocation album: Click here
Sarvesham by Jack Harrison
One hundred thousand angels by Bliss
Every Heartbeat By Snatam Kaur